Just Another Ant
Friday, 5. December 2003
"Leiden der Brauchbarkeit"

...wie Brecht mal gesagt hat. Der NYObserver porträtiert den konservativen Journalisten David Brooks. An einer Stelle heißt es:

In 1984, the 24-year-old Mr. Brooks left New York to write editorials and movie reviews for the right-leaning Washington Times, where he became close pals with John Podhoretz, now a columnist at the New York Post. At one of Mr. Podhoretz’s legendary New Year’s Eve parties, when the Talking Heads’ "Burning Down the House" came on, all the young Reaganites started going nuts, especially Mr. Brooks.

"We agreed that this was sort of like the conservative-libertarian anthem," said Mr. Podhoretz. "And David was particularly enthusiastically [sic], you know, sort of jumping up and down."

Apropos Talking Heads. Ich habe nicht gewußt, daß Bassistin Tina Weymouth und David Byrne ein inniges Gefühl der Abneigung verbindet. Das Salon Magazine (Daypass req.) schreibt über diese Beziehung und die neue Talking Heads CD-Box.

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