Just Another Ant
Monday, 5. May 2003

Laura Miller (Salon, NYT) rezensiert [New Yorker May 5, 2003] eine (Drogen-)Autobiographie, James Freys "A Million Little Pieces", und unterläuft ironisch (aber nicht respektlos) die spektakulären Intentionen des Buchs:

Although [...] Frey writes about events that happened when he was no longer a teen-ager, conventional wisdom has it that the emotional development of an addict remains stalled at the age he started using. Frey—who began getting drunk at ten, expanded into cocaine, LSD, and speed at fifteen, and by twenty-two had a crack habit—actually beats the formula by a few years; he’s got more or less the temperament and insight of a sixteen-year-old.

To convey all this, Frey has chosen a prose style that alternates between perfervid run-ons and that variety of conjunction-heavy terseness which provides such a sturdy vehicle for masculine self-pity: “I go to the Bathroom and I shower and I brush my teeth and I shave. I avoid the mirror. I don’t look at my eyes and I don’t look at myself. I shower brush my teeth shave.”

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