Just Another Ant |
Friday, 16. August 2002
Marxismus 1 + 2
1) Frank Zappa-Biograph Ben Watson schreibt witzig über einen (nicht gerade spektakulären - Photos beachten *g*) Protest gegen den Komponisten Michael Nyman: "On Friday night, 17 May 2002, Militant Esthetix organised a picket of Michael Nyman at the Royal Festival Hall, London, complaining about his innumerable crimes against music and the historical muddle and faux gravitas of his dire staging of David King's wonderful book The Commissar Vanishes. In the interests of reducing all cultural experience to the format of TV, Nyman had Christopher Kondek (claim to fame, work with Laurie Anderson) make a video of the images in King's book. Nyman not only had the gall to run his abysmal excuse for contemporary multi-media art at the Barbican in December 1999 (panned in Socialist Review no 237, January 2000), he was now presenting it again, coupled with a showing of Dziga Vertov's Man With A Movie Camera ruined by adding a live soundtrack. SOMETHING HAD TO BE DONE!!!" Esther Leslies und Ben Watsons Homepage: 2) Ein, ähm, pointierter Artikel über Noam Chomsky And His Critics. Obwohl ja kein Zweifel besteht, daß es eine "ruling class" und die dazugehörigen "pundits" gibt, kann ich mir die marxistische Rhetorik* doch nicht richtig zu eigen machen. *Inkl. pathetisch-martialischer Metaphern. So heißt da: "It is simple to understand why Chomsky has been targeted. As the most visible and respected figure in the radical movement, he is a tempting target. When one is involved in a street fight, it is good psychology to knock out your biggest and most powerful opponent and thus demoralize the ranks of the enemy." Andererseits ist in den USA der Konformitätsdruck bezüglich des "War On Terror" sicher nicht gerade klein.
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