Just Another Ant
Tuesday, 5. August 2003

Soweit ich es beurteilen kann, ist diese Einführung von Wieland Freund und Guido Grafin in die jeweils letzten Romane von D.F. Wallace, Jonathan Franzen, Jeffrey Eugenides und Richard Powers sehr gelungen [Merkur via Perlentaucher].

Das NYT Magazine schrieb 1996 über den Aufstieg von Wallace. Ironisch-sloganbewußter Titel: The Grunge American Novel [via The Howling Fantods]. Nur angelesen habe ich diese stilistisch detaillierte, inhaltlich böse Wallace-Parodie von Bill Wyman [Salon].

Zitat aus einer der (naheliegenderweise) reichlich vorhandenen Fußnoten:

1) David Foster Wallace, author of "The Broom of the System," "Infinite Jest" and, more recently, "A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again," a collection of journalism, acclaimed ("one of the big talents of his generation, a writer of virtuosic talents who can seemingly do anything," as Michiko Kakutani put it in the NYT) and impossibly scruffy and hip, now the class author of choice for upscale general-interest magazines, known, perhaps most superficially, for his involuted, amusing style, with lots of long, breathless sentences, twisting and turning up hill and down dale where his whirling mind (as we're supposed to understand) takes him; oddities like funny grammatical constructions, which constructions are illustrated here in this phrase; and the turning of conventional reporting on its head by the use of many devices, most famous among them many lengthy and discursive footnotes. This article is a parody of that technique, just as this sentence, with its deflating, post-modernist self-referentiality, is.

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